Monday, January 2, 2012

The Local "Star"...............

I went out for a quick spin tonight and had an awesome encounter with the newest local star!  As I pedalled down Rd. 2, there were more then a dozen cars parked on the side of the road.  I slowed right down and there it was, in flight, heading right toward me!  The one that has everyone talking, the majestic Great Grey Owl!  It was intimidating seeing this large bird heading my way.  It flew about 5 ft from me and then perched itself on a sign post.  It stayed there for a brief time and then off it went again and found shelter in a tree.  This owl has bird watchers coming from far away.  It is the largest species of owl in North America.  It is not native to the area and the fact that it has been found this South is a real surprise.  I may not be a real bird watcher but in this case....... I guess I really do give a "hoot"! :)  I took a few pics and then had to be on my way as daylight was slowly slipping away!

In other biking news, the WRCS kicked off Sunday with a New Year's day ride!  There were about 30 riders.  Here's a brief recap:  The temp was above freezing, it was windy, we rode on pavement and trail, the pace was casual, there were 4 flats (courtesy of only 2 riders.....), and good conversations!  What a great way to start 2012.  

Happy and Healthy New Year to Everyone!!


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