Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays....................................

There was a bit of a plaid invasion in our house this year!!  Every year I make the kids pose in front of our Christmas tree!  You would think as they get older it would get easier, like a 1,2 smile, click, click picture over.  Well it just doesn't go like that, nope!  They just get sillier!  Our Christmas was pretty low key this year and it felt great just to chill, eat and well eat some more!

Apparently naughty or nice..... they still got presents!  :)   I love Christmas morning!  In fact I was up at 4:00 am telling myself to go back to sleep!  I was really hoping Santa was gonna put some new "wheels" under the tree!! ;)

Oh wait!  He did put some new "wheels" under the tree!  Clayton was really impressed!  He put his new helmet on, grabbed his new board and decided to jump off the landing in the garage!  Next thing I knew on Tues. (Dec. 27) he was on the internet researching how he would make a 1/4 pipe!  He handed the idea over to Jason and off they went to buy some wood and a few hours later, voila, his 1/4 pipe was reality!  :)

So while Clayton and Jay worked on the new ramp.... I went out in the rain/snow for a bike ride!  I have been battling a headcold and needed fresh air.  I thought it would help open up my sinus'.  The cool air was great but when I got back I had really itchy legs!  I get that usually when it's real cold out but this was different!  My knees got real itchy and red.  They got puffy and swollen almost like fluid was under my skin.  My skin felt real tight when I bent my knees!  To top it off I had a bumpy rash!  Of course I grabbed the camera to chronicle what was happening! lol...  I took a shower and the swelling went down after about 15 min.  I promise my knees look normal now but what a freaky thing!  Still trying to figure it out! YUCK!

(my legs/knees right after my ride)   (my legs/knees after the shower)
   I know it's hard to tell but this is what my "heading" South looks like!  ;)

Happy Holidays!  



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