Saturday, March 19, 2011

A week with mud, rain, snow and

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The change in weather and atmospheric pressure has reeked havoc on my head! A migraine set in on Monday and other than about an hour of reprieve it just lingered. Tuesday, I woke up feeling better, went through my usual routine and then headed out for a massage. On my way there my migraine decided to revisit me! I got to my massage appointment late and Tenille (my massage therapist greeted me with a smile). My massages are not always of the relaxing kind but I know that it's for the best. In fact she admitted to getting her kicks watching me squirm! To think I go back for more punishment! From her table I went to the chiropractic chair where Dr. Reimer worked his magic. Okay I don't know how they do it but I do know that whatever they do I always leave there feeling sooooo much better. No more headache for the rest of the day or the week for that matter. Yippee!
With my body already feeling the effects of the massage and the adjustment I met Kim Tuesday afternoon. We planned our first climbing ride of the year! The feeling of the mud, muck, and energy zapping grassy/gravel climbs made me realize my legs have awaken. We managed to get a good ride in before the rain moved in.
I got home in time to make supper, take a shower and then head out to teach an indoor cycling class. It's amazing what a day "off road" does for my mind. 

Fast forward to Friday, March 18, 2011

What a difference a few days make!  I could not pass up riding outside yesterday.  It was windy but it was 60 (deg. F)!  That meant a couple less layers.  I even stripped my knee warmers off 5 minutes into the ride, exposing my bare knees to the fresh air.  There I was in shorts pedalling by some snow filled ditches!  Odd, but I loved it!  I think spring weather has sprung!!



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