Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Teammates 2011.............

Things are coming together for the 2011 race season. Jersey design finalized, awesome support from sponsors and once again a great team!!  I was lucky to meet up with my teammates a couple of weekends ago for some shopping, hiking, a few drinks, a delicious dinner and a great night out!!

I started out meeting Erin at her place and then we did a bit of shopping, had lunch and then went for a hike at Tree Farm in Novi. The trail was covered in ice so the short distance took us a long time.  Erin has a great eye for photography, so she tutored me through camera/picture taking 101!  We then headed to Ann Arbor where we met Jason Lummis and Steve Dempsey at Great Lakes Cycling and Fitness.  There we got to take a quick peek at Steve's awesome new Quiring Ti frame with a Lefty fork!  We then ventured over to Knight's.  A restaurant known for it's amazing food/steak!!  (FYI - It is located in A2, just down the road from Vet's Park.  Tailwind does a a double, Sat./Sun. cyclo-cross race there. - Thanks Erin for that tid-bit of info)  The parking lot was packed and there was no doubt that we would have to wait for a table.  The 55 minutes passed by quickly as we had some "cheer" sitting around the overcrowded bar.  It was well worth the wait because the meal was superb!!

Dinner done, Erin and I headed back to her place.  We chatted, had a few Bells (Hopslam) and next thing we knew it was 3:30 am.  I couldn't believe that it was that late.  I never stay up that late!  I ran a few errands Sunday morning and then headed back home.  I got home just before the crazy snow storm swept the area.
I am so happy to be back with the team for this year!  Jason Lummis continues playing a supporting role as he progressively recovers, Erin Vicary will be ready to attack the trails early, Steve Dempsey is already south preparing for a real breakout year, and Scott Quiring just wrapped up at the NAHBS in Texas.
I will be updating my blog with the 2011 team sponsors real soon!


1 comment:

  1. 3:30am on It was like my couch turned into some sort of conversation propelled time machine. So fun Sue!

