Monday, November 8, 2010

Iceman Cometh 2010...............

The 2010 race season has officially come to an end.  My fourth Iceman Cometh race wrapped it up.  Iceman is a 29 mile point to point race that goes from Kalkaska to Traverse City, MI.  Over the years the numbers have jumped and this novelty race brings out some of the top pros in North America.
It has been a great season and I'm ready to take some time off from 'training' and go out for some fun rides...maybe get some good lights and take up night riding.

Nov. 5, 2010 - Day before the race - Snow - high of 27 degrees F (in Traverse City)
Jay, Paiten and myself picked up Erin around 11:00 a.m. As we got closer to Kalkaska, the temps were noticeably colder.  As we travelled a little further west towards Traverse City, the snow was falling, falling hard, and accumulating!!  It looked like this year was going to be a real Iceman!  We checked into our hotel and then headed over to the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa where the bike expo and packet pickup took place.  After a few go rounds at the expo we headed out for a late supper and an early bed time!

(Friday night Expo - Quiring booth)

Nov. 6, 2010 - Race Day - Clear skies - high of 47 degrees F (in T.C.)
After a good nights sleep we awoke to a very cold morning and the ground frozen.  I began thinking of how the melting snow would affect the course conditions.  Will the ground still be frozen for our 2:30 start time?  If not we were in for a muddy battle especially after a couple thousand racers hit the course before us.
I lounged around most of the morning just trying to keep all in check.  We rolled into the parking lot near the start around 1:20 p.m..  Erin and I got our layers on and went to take a look at the start of the course.  The beginning of the course appeared to be in great shape and fast.
The pro women field was strong, including the 2008 winner Amanda Carey (Kenda) and also Heather Irmiger (Subaru/Trek).  20 or so took to the start line and before you knew it the countdown from 10 turned to GO!!!  The start was very conservative.  I went out to the front on the open road.  Soon after Amanda popped in front of me and took a pull into the wind.  She then moved over and there I was next in line to take the wind in the front for a bit before she resumed the front once we hit the sand.  There were a few attempts by a couple riders to go to the front but they were always countered by Amanda.  There was a group of about 7 of us that stayed together for a while.  I sat in second for a bit as Amanda set the pace.  As we entered into the double track she went to the side and I was back in front and took a long pull.  At that point I felt really  good and remained comfortable.  Amanda and a couple of other riders soon jumped out in front and I filed in happy with my position.
As we neared Williamsburg Rd. (almost 2/3 of the way) the trail conditions quickly changed.  We were no longer dealing with packed down sand it was mud, muck, mud, muck!!  At that point I was sitting in 4th, right behind 3rd and not far behind 1st and 2nd who had opened up a little bit of a gap.  Trudging through the mud eventually took a toll on me and my recovery and we lost sight of the top 2.  There were 4 of us battling back and forth for position.  The slick conditions forced me to ride too conservative and I dropped alot of speed.  Without the momentum I was working alot more on the ups which took a toll on me.  I was no longer feeling all that great.

At about 5 miles to go I dropped my waterbottle which was still half full.  4th and 5th soon slipped away. 
With 3 miles to go things went from bad to worse!  I really just wanted to stop, get off the bike and walk.  I started to feel odd.   My face got numb, my teeth were tingling and my vision blurry.  I seriously wanted to stop, lay down and have a nap!! 
As I came into the finish area at Timber Ridge the crowd was cheering like crazy.  The atmosphere at Iceman is just awesome.  I crossed the line in 6th place, dismounted, walked over to a nice patch of pine needles and sat in a daze trying to collect myself.  My teammate Steve Dempsey came over to me and handed me a much needed drink.   It took a while to regain my senses and I apologize to anyone who tried to talk to me after the race.  I was really out of it. 

Congrats to all the pro women who finished and Amanda Carey on taking her 2nd Iceman win. 

Sue Stephens - 6th - pro women
Erin Vicary - 11th - pro women
Steve Dempsey - 19th - pro men
Scott Quiring and Christina - 11th - tandem
Jason Lummis - Sidelined and recovering
Jason Jones - sick
John Meyers - injured
Joe Brzuchanski - 1st -  expert men 38

Race over....... we headed back to the hotel where I took a warm shower and a long awaited nap.  The nights festivities would soon begin!!       

Nov. 6, 2010 - Sunset on the season post race party @ The Loading Dock
Live music (The Orbitsuns), Bell's beer (including Hopslam), dancing, big crowd, singing, teammates and friends.  Good times!

(Oh what a night!)
(Surprise.... we closed the bar!)

Thanks to Steve Brown - Iceman Promoter!  Another amazing production/race/event!!  Congrats to all the racers and thanks to all the spectators for the LOUD cheers!!

So there you have it.  2010 has been an awesome year.  I have had sooo much fun racing and riding this year with my new team and on my 29er Quiring!

Let the off-season fun rides begin.


If you haven't seen the promo video for the Bell's/Quiring MTB Team after party here's a link:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sue,
    Congrats on such a great season! You worked hard and deserve it all!! 2011 watch out! It's crazy how we're already excited for next season.
    Kim :)
