Sunday, November 21, 2010

Taking it in "stride"........................

The bike has been semi put away for a few weeks (to be taken out for fun rides) and the training has shifted to maintaining! 
I am my own coach, my own guinea pig and my harshest critic.  I get grumpy when I am not doing some type of physical activity.  After each season I evaluate everything I need to improve on and having a more well rounded fitness is a must.  I tend to function best when I'm on the bike because my body gets used to that position and I ache when I walk or attempt to run!  So a couple days ago I took it in stride!  I put the ipod on and headed out for a brisk walk.  A slower pace then what I'm used to.  That slower pace let me take in everything around me.  I felt energized and found myself looking up at the sky something I really couldn't do on my bike.  I looked at my shadow and I thought it was odd, there was something missing.  No wheels, no pedals, no frame, no bike!  Just my 2 legs, my arms, my body!  I finally realized that I can let go of my focus for a moment, not evaluate how my body feels, not look at my heart rate or check my speed, I can just be.  I am recharging, exactly what I needed.
I look at my bike and smile.  Ya, ya my walk is refreshing but my bike takes me to places my walk doesn't and to speeds that leave me wanting more.


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