Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2011 Ore to Shore...........

(Racers line up at the start as far as the eye can see!  Hard Rock 48 mile race!!)
Jay and I rolled out of the driveway around 10:30 pm Thursday night. We were on our way to the U.P., Marquette, Michigan. Jay drove through the night and only stopped for a quick nap after about 6 hours of driving! Me on the other hand, I was support crew and took my usual spot, layed out on the bench seat, and I slept most of the drive. We pulled into camp (Tourist Park) around 10:30 am Friday. We were greeted by my teamy Erin and Jeff. In the afternoon, Erin and I headed out to see how the last few miles of the course looked. Some of it looked familiar to me, as this was my 2nd year racing the O2S, and other sections did not ring a bell. We were later joined at camp by teammate Steve and Nina and sponsor/teammate/bike builder Scott (Quiring) and Christina. We retired for the night early and I woke up early Sat. morning. The race time was 9:45 am, factor in drive time to the start and a warm up, we needed to leave camp by 8:00 am
I had a good starting position, 2nd row in the preferred start area. The start of the race was as fast as I remembered it from last year. There was a large group of us that stayed together on the road, through the first section of grass and climbing. I felt good and was top 5 women overall. I couldn't really stick with any group and worked too hard trying to hold on to wheels.  I passed one female racer, putting me in 4th and at the halfway point I was about 20 sec. back from 3rd and felt relatively good. What happened after that I'm really not sure. The last 20 miles seemed to drag on. I had no punch and felt like my power was zapped. With 10 miles to go, I got caught by a female racer (Diana McFadden) and had no counter attack. Deflated I came across the line 5th overall women, Hard Rock. I wasn't pleased with my result but I gave everything I could give on that day. Congrats to everyone that finished the race! The Ore to Shore Mountain Bike Epic Race lives up to its name. It's a race that some challenge themselves just to finish, 48 miles of every type of terrain. Thanks to Jay, Nina and Jeff for the support and feed! Promoters and volunteers did an amazing job with this huge event and the race seemed to run flawlessly. Teammates Scott and Christina raced tandem and came in 3rd (even after a flat) in the 28 mile Soft Rock race, Erin finished 10th overall women Hard Rock and Steve ran the last 6 miles of the race because of a flat and still finished strong!
After the award ceremony we headed over to Upfront and Company for the Bells Brewery O2S post race party, presented by Caffeine Soul Productions.  Bells Beer + friends + The Orbitsuns = a great time!! 

Jay and I decided to stay in the U.P. Sunday night as well.  I absolutely love it up there!!  Jay, Scott and myself went to Marquette Mountain late Sunday morning.  It was so awesome.  One of the newer trails named "Gorgeous" was a blast.  Coming into some of the corners "hot" could mean a fall off the cliff!  The trail really was unlike anything I have ridden!  The climbs (even with tired legs) were well worth the descents!  :o)  After the ride we headed over to Presque Isle where I did my first cliff jump!  The water was crystal clear and the rocks at the bottom of the lake looked closer to the surface then they really were.  I had a bit of  hesitation but after witnessing a boy probably no older then 7, jump I knew I couldn't back down!  There must have been 50 people hanging around and jumping.  Way cool!!  Monday we packed up and headed way home.  We made a couple stops before leaving the U.P., 1 being for lunch..... PASTIES, and the other to put our feet in Lake Michigan! 

As I write this blog I realize that there was so much more to this "race" designated weekend.  My disappointment with my race result will fade in time but the memories and experiences that we made will remain vivid in my mind!!



  1. Nice Job Sue! I tried to stay with you and Joe for a while, but my lack of riding in July caught up with me fast. Then I broke a spoke at the beginning of the powerline section. It's a different kind of race... this was my first year and wasn't what i envisioned from peoples description!

  2. Thanks Tom. I think O2S is tough to describe, you need to experience it to understand it!
