Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The "short" and "flat" of my Canada Cup Race..........

I'm not really sure just when my weekend began last week.  I really feel like it started last Wednesday, because that's when I started packing and getting food ready for our family camping weekend.  We were heading to Barrie for the Ontario Cup #3 which was also a Canada Cup at Hardwood Hills.  With the van packed to the roof we were on our way early Friday morning.  We arrived at the Barrie KOA around 1:00 pm.  We unpacked and made our Kabin home for the weekend.  The temperature was perfect.  It was sunny with blue skies! 
I headed over to the venue to take in a few laps of the course.  I loved it!  It was a bit technical, the climbing was spread nicely throughout and the downhills were fast!  I was pleased with my pre-ride, happy with how I felt and pumped to race!

My daughter and I in 2010 and 2011 Quiring kits!!

On Saturday morning we awoke to a small thunder storm and rain.  Yes, we are in Barrie..... it never fails, rain is almost a guarantee!  The overcast, grey, rainy sky kept us in the Kabin.  The kids used this time to chill and watch a couple of movies.  I used this time to go pick up my packet and sign in.  By noon the rain had passed and the temperature had dropped.  The terrain in that area is like a sponge and as quick as the rain came, it didn't sit for very long.  The day passed by quickly and before I knew it I was heading to bed!
Rainy Saturday morning kept the kids inside watching a couple of movies!

On Sunday, race day, I woke up feeling well rested.  Our start time for the Canada Cup is 11:30 unlike our normal 1:30 O-Cup start time, so I had to get moving earlier than normal.  The weather was perfect racing weather!  I warmed up, and after calming my nerves, my legs were feeling ready!  I went to the staging area and felt relatively calm.  An odd feeling, but I actually had my nerves under control.  There was a call up and because I had not done any other Canada Cups or International races this year I was called up toward the end.  Not a great starting position but I knew there was lots of time up the opening gradual climb to make some moves.  The race got off to a comfortable pace.  I made my way up the side mid-way up the pack.  I was good with that.  As we hit the first set of single track there was a bit of a bottle neck so the pace slowed right down.  As the course opened up again I passed a couple more girls.  There was no need to panic, I felt good and knew there was lots more racing to be had.  Now at about maybe 7 minutes into the race, we were in a single file heading down a single track descent.  I had ridin' this line throughout my pre-rides without a hitch.  I dropped of a rock but I was slightly to the left of the line I had been riding and I didn't quite clear the rock that was to the left.  Pshhhhh....... not the sound I wanted to hear!!!  First came the sound then came the noticeable feeling of a flat!!  "I'm out" I shouted.  I had no cartridge on me.  I really wasn't ready for a flat.  With the encouragement of spectators I continued to pedal with the flat another km to the tech zone.  I got off to walk a couple of times over rocks, including the "Boneshaker".  This was not the time to ruin the rim!  I came into the tech area and Jay scrambled for a pump.  We got the tire seated.  I had hoped that my Stans sealant would seal the puncture...... until I realized it was actually a slice in the sidewall about 1.5 inches long.  The air was still leaking out but I thought maybe once I got moving it would seal it?  So off I went far back from the other elite women racers.  I had lost alot of time.  3/4 of the way through that lap my rear tire was flat again.  I pedalled back to the tech zone, where Jay was waiting with a tube and new tire.  With the tire changed I was back on my way.  I realized I had lost over 15 minutes in tire drama and thought maybe I should pull myself but I really wanted to race!  I got one more lap in, never got lapped but because of time restrictions got pulled!  Ya that sucks!  Sooooo many lessons learned!  Congrats to all on a good race on such an awesome course! 

Paiten taking care of my last minute stuff as the elite women wait in the staging area!

After leaving the venue I had so much energy that I needed to get rid of.  What better way to do that than by hitting some local trails.  I was told of some trails that were not really well marked but that were great to ride.  With my kit still on I headed out to explore.  It was awesome.  Some of the most fun trails I have ridden, from a loooong technical rooty climb, to tight swithback descents, to fast steep drops, stream crossings through the water and over bridges.  I couldn't stop smiling.  I only got lost once and that was at the end of my ride trying to find my way to the parking lot.

Bike riding therapy after my short lived race!
The kids staying cool!

Overall, it was an awesome weekend.  We had alot of fun regardless of my "short" and "flat" race!


1 comment:

  1. Boo to the flat, but glad you still got a good ride in afterwards!!!
    PS. I could have used that pool a few days ago when temps were in the 90's here!
