Monday, May 16, 2011

Finding Balance,O-Cup #2...........

Ontario Cup #2 was held in Woodnewton, just outside of Uxbridge. This is the second year for this race venue and it has only gotten better. To say it rained is an understatement. However, Chico Racing made a course that could withstand the downpours and any wickedness mother nature wanted to throw their way. We opted for a hotel instead of our usual camping. I love to "tent it" but not so much in the cold/rain.

Jay, Kim and I made the 5 hour trip early Sat. morning. Once at the race venue, we headed out to pre-ride the course. Under cloudy, rainy skies and temps around 60 degrees F I did one lap. The course was fast and fun. In a few spots there were options you could take.... "hard" line or "easy" line. Amongst the options was a man made downhill rock garden. I came up to it and without looking at it or hesitation went straight down it. Cool option! Overall, the trail was in good shape with some slick sections. After pre-ride we headed to the hotel to "chill" the night away.

It rained all Sat. night and through to Sunday.  We headed to the venue around 11:00 am so Kim could be warmed up for her 11:45 start.  I chose to stay warm and dry in the van until approx. 12:45 when it was time for me to get on the trainer.  I did my warmup under the shelter of a large umbrella as the rain continued to sprinkle down.  My legs felt a bit lazy but I assumed that was just nerves and they would kick in come race time.
The elite women's field was strong as always and at "go" Mandy Dreyer took the holeshot.  I got in behind her and we headed up the opening grassy, wet, false flat, double track at a steady pace.  As we turned the first corner and came up to a short little climb, I slowly started to fade from the 3 lead girls.  I instantly had no recovery, not much punch and my technical riding was also suffering.  I was riding stiff and fighting the bike.  So I stayed steady.... but slow and steady does not win the race!!  As I came through lap 1, I was sitting in 6th, just behind 4th and 5th.  There was a short bridge that crossed a small stream of water.  The entry and exit were both mud pits with ruts.  I entered in a rut on the left side, got both tires just narrowly on the edge of the bridge.  I looked at the water below and lost my balance and went right into the stream.  I managed to land on my feet with water halfway up to my knees, my bike laying sideways submerged in the water.  I made my way out, through the mud pit on the other side.  I tried to get back on my bike only to realize my chain was off.  I quickly fixed it and began to pedal through the rest of the muck.  At this point I felt a bit deflated.  My recovery was suffering, my feet frozen, and the leaders were now well into the distance.  Pity party over I needed to re-focus.  I had a steady pace through lap 2 and 3.  Come lap 4 I found some energy and flow.  The course was riding faster and I was having fun again.  I caught 5th place Laura Bietola (3 Rox Racing).  I finished 5th.  I am pleased with my effort and persistence.  Congrats to all on a good race.



  1. Sue, you rock!!!

  2. Thanks Mary!! Can't wait to take you out riding again! :o)

