Monday, September 12, 2011

Provincial Championships 2011.........

The 2011 provincial championships were held in Duntroon, Ontario approx. 15 minutes outside of Collingwood.  It was a new venue for the Ontario Cup circuit.  The course was awesome!  It had a perfect combination of double track, technical tight single track (ascents and descents), open double track climbing and downhills, rocks and roots.  Other cool features: a nice stretch of rock garden, a few options of hard (over boulders) and easy lines (around the obstacle), and a short stream crossing.  Each section of single track was followed by a strip of double track allowing for plenty of passing opportunity.  I had so much fun pre-riding that I looked forward to racing it! 
 I had my nerves under control on race day and had a good warm up.  I planned not go out too hard on the opening climb and I stuck to my game plan.  I got to the top of the long double track climb in about 5th position.  We came through the first set of single track and as it opened back up I made a pass to bring me up to 4th.  I kept 2nd and 3rd within sight and came around for lap 2 sitting in 4th.  I went back up the gradual climb and made up ground on Mandy Dreyer and Heather Gray.  I passed Mandy and soon after I made a pass on Heather.  Amanda Sin (3 Rox Racing), had just come back from the World Championships (representing Canada), was out of sight in the lead.  I was riding strong and found good flow through the single track.  On my last lap I felt like I was in cruise control.  I was relaxed and really enjoying the ride!  I came through in 2nd place and was pretty pumped. 
On the podium:  Amanda Sin (3 Rox Racing) 1st, ME (Quiring Cycles) 2nd, Heather Gray (Cycle Solutions) 3rd
Overall Ontario Cup Provincial Standings: Micheala Kofman (3 Rox Racing) -absent- 1st, ME (Quiring Cycles) 2nd, Mandy Dreyer 3rd.

Thanks to Chico Racing for promoting another awesome O-Cup series.  My season is not quite over, I am still geared up to; attack a few more hills, tax my lungs a few more times, beat up my body a bit more, and simply do what I enjoy doing...... hitting the trails!!


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