Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Malden 1st Timer..............

What do you get when you bring an eager "Albertan" to Malden Park? Well let the pictures tell the story!! I met Tricia at the gym. She has been a dedicated "spinner" in my spin classes since they started. She is always willing to push herself beyond her "comfort zone", I knew I had to get her outside to ride. So with her stay here in South Western Ontario coming to an end, today was the day for her to meet Mt. Malden. She has travelled across Canada, coast to coast, and has seen mountains in the true sense of the word. With Malden being the only climbing the area has to offer, I was not sure what she would think.

We rode up to the park, did the perimeter paved path and I pointed out some of the climbs. Let the ride begin! She was fearless and up for any challenge. As we approached a climb her motto.... "What's the worse thing that could happen? I get off the bike and walk?" Well she can climb, and even conquered the infamous 3 tier on her first try! I brought her to a couple of the sketchier downhills, her motto.... "What's the worse thing that could happen? I fall and get hurt?" Well she rode them without hesitation, no problem.

As we were wrapping up the ride I had one more thing I wanted her to ride. So we were riding the inner bowl area and I suggested that Tricia try to use momentum to get up a quick punchy climb to bring us to the top of the toboggan hill. We pedalled passed a couple walking their dog. The dog refused to listen to them and decided to take chase after Tricia, bringing her pedal stroke almost to a stop. The dog finally ran back to its owners but Tricia lost momentum going into the climb. I pedalled to the top of the climb and watched as she made a go at it. With about 2 pedal strokes to the top, she came to a stop, held a short track stand and failed to unclip and enjoyed her first wipeout! I knew she was ok, I chuckled and of course I had to pull the camera out!! From there it was down the front of the toboggan hill through an unexpected puddle and to the parking lot where we ended our ride.

Thanks to Tricia for a fun ride and for the laughs. Happy and safe travels as she makes her way North and East! Hopefully before returning out West she will swing by this way and take in another Malden ride!!


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  1. That's my "baby girl". Always up for a challenge. she has enjoyed her stay in Ontario, but I think she wants to get back to glorious big blue skies and real mountains!!!
    her mom

  2. Thank you Tricia's mom! :) We had a fun day. You are right, a challenge just fires her up!! She is a wonderful young lady and I hope she makes one more trip here before going back to the real mountains!!
