Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snowdays and Snowshoes.........

Even though I have tried, there is just no way to fight mother nature!  I had been hoping that this cold weather would move through quickly.  The more I fight it the harder it fights back.  Just when I thought "yep I've lost the battle", I re-thought "if you can't beat it, join it'" 

The kids had a snow day.... the first time since my kids have been in school that they actually closed the school for the day.  It was kids (+1 adult) just being kids !!!  :o) We had snow ball fights, made snow-angels, built forts, and just rolled around in the white flaky cold stuff! 

My oldest took the younger ones out for 3 wheeler rides.  They all (4) joined forces to make a snowy downhill off the back deck stairs which lead to a ramp at the bottom.  They took turns going down on the crazy carpets or their snowboards..... The crazy carpets really didn't work out so well as my daughter shows in the picture!

I also decided to try snowshoeing!  With all the drifting in the open fields and the snow covered rail to trail (a.k.a Greenway) it made for the perfect 'stomping grounds'.  I was joined by Kim (who has more practice than I on the 'shoes') and we just wandered about.  After a few blunders I got the hang of it!

The snow flakes were falling in huge clusters, there was very little wind and the temps were perfect.  I really enjoyed the hike, the shoes, the weather, and the company!!   

I hung out with family and friends and I must not forget our dog!!  O.K. Maxxis (a.k.a. Max) is sort of like "Marley" (Marley and Me).  No matter how much trouble he gets himself into, he always smiles.  So I buckled up my snowshoes and headed over to Max's kennel.  He was crying with excitement.... he knew we were going for a walk.  He is not the best on the leash and with the snowshoes on, I knew this could be interesting.  I kept him on the leash until we got out in the open fields and away from the road.  The snow was deep, in fact deep enough that he was scraping his belly on the snow as his legs sank through.  He was working hard and listening great as we walked side by side!!  The deep snow was tiring for him.  When we turned around to head home, he figured it all out!  He no longer walked next to me, he walked behind me.  At first he stepped on my snowshoe which made me do a face plant into the snow, but once he figured out the safe distance that's where he stayed.  Walking behind me made for an easier pass for him!  I would walk in zig-zags and he would follow.  I had a grin from ear to ear!  I think that was our best hike together to date!  Now to teach him how to behave like that when we go for a bike ride!!   ;o)

Thanks for reading and stay warm!



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