Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow plowin'.......................

My outdoor winter riding has officially begun!  The 'race bike' is now put away and my 'winter ride' was tested.  I have been way too laid back for the last month and a half!  My training schedule has never really been structured and at this point I am actually feeling the need of some organization and discipline!  So my guilty conscience piped up and set me straight!  Get your a** on that bike!  Done!
With the temps sitting around -3 (deg. C) I knew to bundle up.  I rubbed some sport balm on my legs, put on the layers and off I went.  I started my ride on some back country roads to get the legs warmed up but the initial slight headwind made my cheeks tingle and numb up a tad.  I thought ooh maybe a balaclava would have been a better choice.  However, once I warmed up, my frozen face began to thaw a bit.  For the most part the roads were clear.  After about 45 min. I decided it was time to leave the comfort of pavement behind and hit the Greenway (rail to trail).  The snow had blown over hikers boot prints, and snowmobile tracks.  I should have clued in when I got about 200 meters on the trail that I was going to be in for a long, tough 5 kms!!  But if you know me once I get something in my head I don't back down!  So I fish tailed, slid, and hammered through the snow.  I was moving along pretty good for about the first 1.5km until I came the open sections of the trail which allowed the blowing wind to form some sizable snow drifts.  I was forced to a complete stop.  As I got off my bike to hike through the mound, I saw movement in the field not even 1/2 a km away.  There was a herd of deer.... I'm talkin' like 20+!  I let go of the bike to grab my camera and my bike stayed completely upright!  No tree or kick stand required.  I witnessed a couple of large bucks get up on their hind legs to battle while the doe's went about their business, unimpressed.  The group eventually caught site of me and slowly made their way through to the next hedge row.  Just a reminder of why riding outside beats the trainer any day.  I put the camera back in the pocket, got myself unstuck and trudged on.  By the time I reached the next cross road I was over-heating.  Nothing like snow plowin' on your bike!!  Great power and balance workout!  So I broke the ice with my first real winter ride...look'n forward to many more!!




  1. Thanks Erin! To think I almost forgot my camera before heading out for my ride!!
