Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"It didn't make me cry".................

This past weekend we travelled to northern Michigan (hold out the back of your hand and point at the top of the middle finger) for the 1st Annual Crybaby Classic mountain bike race.  Jay and I picked up my teammate Erin Vicary Friday around 11:30 am.  We took advantage of the fact that we all had the day off and could get away for an overnight trip.  For me that in itself is rare because for many of the MI races I do them as a day trip with no chance to pre-ride.  It was kinda nice to be able to take our time and not feel rushed to get to a race.  We arrived at the race venue, Nub's Nob Ski Area around 5:00 pm.  It was a clear almost picture perfect fall day with the fall colors in full swing.  The setting reminded me of the annual Boyne XC that took place this time every year.  I loved racing Boyne.  It was by far my all-time  favourite Michigan courses.  Who knows maybe The Crybaby Classic will now fill that void. 
The registration was well organized and super friendly at sign-in and package pick up.  As a bonus, Erin and I each a won a twelve pack of beer as a door prize which added to our stash.  Nice way to start the weekend.
We got dressed in our gear and headed out at a casual pace to get a feel of the course.  Just as we had heard, the course was WIDE OPEN and fast.  Throw in there a short section of single track mixed in with some loose sand to make up the six mile loop.  As it turns out, one lap equaled about 270 meters of momentum free climbing so we had our work cut out for us come race-day.
After the pre-ride we went out for a very filling dinner and then retired for the night early!  So much for all the extra beer.  Even Jay went to bed camp fire I guess.
Race morning came and so did the nerves.  The start of the women's race was scheduled for 12:40 pm.  We had a good breakfast compliments of the Comfort Inn and then we tried to chill as much as possible.  Jay did a once over on both the bikes and we were at the venue about an hour before start.
The skies were blue but temps very chilly!!  At about 40 minutes to go we started our warmup.  The legs felt a little lazy and weren't exactly ready come start time. 
After a small delay, the fog horn blew and we were off.  The course started with a short starting loop which went through a small sand pit and up a gradual grass climb and down an open downhill.  We then went through two track that was flowing and fast in the woods, followed by the first longer gradual climb.  The course continued with gradual ascents and descents.  At about 3-3.5 miles in (of the 6+ mile course), we hit the "Crybaby Climb".  I led the way as people/fans gathered along the climb cheering us on.  Their cheers and enthusiasm was definitely encouraging!  The "Crybaby Climb" was a steady climb with various pitches, and about 3/4 of the way to the top the climb turned pretty steep.  The pitch up top made things hurt a bit more!!  The climb seemed to separate the field and there was only one other women with me.  I kept the pace steady and she ended up riding most of the first lap tucked in behind me. 
The last 1/4 of the course seemed to flatten out at the top of the mountain and it ended with an awesome fast singletrack (only singletrack on the course) downhill in which opened up to the descent down to the lap/finish area.  I pulled away from the second place woman toward the end of lap #1.  Lap #2 and 3 I put a bit more distance on the field by pushing the pace a bit more and not getting caught up in the beautiful fall foliage.  Lap 4 came and I found myself drifting off into la la land and was just cruising along.  I snapped out of it when a stick got stuck in my back wheel.  Off the bike, out with the stick and back on again!!  I picked the pace back up again and flew down the final chute and through to the finish line.
My teammate/video co-star, Erin finished shortly after in 5th for a share of some of the prize money.
Overall the promoters did a fine job and a big thanks to the MANY volunteers!!  Next year equal payout for the pro men and women is a must and the addition of some single track to the very promising venue would keep things interesting!!

Top five:
1 Sue Stephens, Bells Beer/Quiring Cycles
2 Johanna Schmidt, Haggerty
3 Heather Spencer, Racing Greyhounds
4 Danielle Musto, Salsa Cycles
5 Erin Vicary, Bells Beer/Quiring Cycles
Great day, great fun and of course NO TEARS!!!


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