It's amazing that when we put intentions "out there" and believe in them whole hearted, we make things happen. I am transitioning, more doors are opening, and I continue to say "yes" to all that makes me feel good.
I remember being asked how long I would continue to race? My reply was, "until I stop having fun". Last year I had moments racing when I questioned if I was "having fun". They were moments that passed and I moved on. At the end of the 2013 race season, I knew I needed to take a break of some kind. I made no definite plans for the 2014 season, committed to no races, I broadened my fitness beyond bike specific, I played in the snow and loved it, no trainer rides, no racing goals...... As I cleared my mind and schedule I began to appreciate all my accolades, my talent, and my experiences more than ever. I sat back and started sharing "IT" all with confidence. I feel like as my training got smaller, my world got bigger. I have so much excitement toward; fitness, riding my bike, celebrating accomplishments, cheering on others, family, friends and life. I have many personal goals and I am driven to make them happen. I dream BIG!
As all this awesomeness surrounds me, the opportunities are numerous and are falling into place. Aside from being a group fitness instructor, I have become a Personal Trainer. I am pretty pumped to also introduce/provide Pilates (small group) and Cycling (advanced) Programs at the gym.
Who knows..... I may choose to do a few races this year. Show up and giver'! I am registered for an adventure race and I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait to ride lots, play in the mud, and engage in friendly competition hot laps.... ;) My blog will be updated as my adventures play out. My ideas are endless. Things feel good, things feel right!
"Be present in all you do and with who you are around because we are the controllers of our own fate. Be in the moment. Life is too short, be passionate about everything you love!" ~ xo
When the sun shines, we all glow!
Great read Sue!!! congrats on the new opportunities and the exciting new path ahead!
ReplyDeleteThanks April! Who knows, maybe I will see you at the start line later in the year?! :)