Thursday, August 19, 2010


(At the start Zac Lummis gives me a good luck high 5)
Unlike many of my posts I will skip all the pre-race story telling and head right to the race recap!!

Location: Marquette Michigan
Race: Ore 2 Shore
Length: 48 Miles

This was my first time racing the Ore 2 Shore and I was lucky enough to get a preferred start. Approximately 700 riders were lined up and I was positioned in the ‘2nd row’ behind some of my teammates.

I was expecting more of a roll out start and that was furthest from what happened. The start was fast, real fast. Everyone was going “balls out” and I wasn’t ready for it. To make things worse I missed my pedal. I found myself getting passed on both sides. Once I did get clipped in, I joined in and ramped up to speed trying to limit as much damage as I could.

The first bit of the race was on pavement through the Town of Negaunee. I settled in and kept pace with the riders around me. I knew that I had lost some time on the stronger women in the field and at this speed was spinning out of gears.

We arrived to the dirt where I found my own steady pace and attempted to grab some wheels. I quickly realized that this is a race you don’t want to find yourself on your own. Finally a group of about 6 riders came up at a good clip and I grabbed on. I rode with this group until we caught the next group and then faster riders moved on and we dropped the others. This pattern continued for a bit where a few of us were continually bridging gaps from group to group.

As I pedaled on I found myself surrounded with the same riders. One was a guy in the green shorts that had “Fueled by coffee” across the top of his shorts (I think his name was Greg?). He was one of the originals who said “Sue hop on, don’t do any work and we’ll pull you”. Don’t get me wrong I was working and went to the front to help bridge gaps with other groups.

Moving on I still had no idea what my position among the women was. People shouted out I was in 3rd but then I passed a couple more ladies. I knew that Jenna Rinehart would be up front, so I had no idea where I really stood.

From there I really can’t remember too much of the course other than the varying types of terrain that stuck out in my mind. Somewhere in the early going there was a long stretch of water over gravel double track. The water came half way up my shin with each downward pedal stroke. It felt refreshing but had a rather dirty smell!! After that there was the infamous hike up Misery Hill which I heard so much about. Off the bike my calves were not happy. The slow going hydro cut line followed and then a sandy downhill where I came to a complete stop. Once again I had to get off the bike and run losing some time and the group I was riding with. I quickly got back on the bike and I really had to give it to catch back up.

At about ½ way through the course Jay and my teammates’ support crew, were there to give me a bottle. I was told I was in 3rd and about 1.5 minutes behind 2nd who wasn’t that far behind 1st. The next thing I remember was a road section made of some gradual climbs. At that point I found that the set pace in my group was slowing. If I wanted to catch 2nd I would have to jump out and push the pace a little more. I saw that there was another group not too far ahead so I went off the front and closed the gap. A few others followed including the guy in the Voodoo Cycles kit. It seemed like from there on Voodoo guy and I worked together, closing gaps on people ahead and then pulling away.

Final 7 miles…….. As I passed a couple of guys I was informed that 2nd place girl was not too far ahead. We then came up on a Farm Team racer and he gave me a quick look and told me the Trek girl was right there (2nd place, Sara Kylander Johnson). I grabbed his wheel and he put the hammer down. We made a pass on the left and I heard a “noooo” from her as we passed by. I expected her to hop on so I continued to push. I got through the final sand pit downhill, up the wood chip hill only to have to unclip as many riders got bogged down by the sand at the top. A quick jog up and I was back on the bike for the last few miles. Now I was on my own out in the last open stretch directly into the headwind. I lost track of the Farm Team racer but was lucky enough to grab a draft from a racer in a Trek uniform (not Sara) until we hit the parking lot pavement. At that point I was still unsure where 3rd was and wondering if there was going to be a need for a sprint. I took a quick peek back and 3rd wasn’t there and pedaled across the line in 2nd!!!

I was pretty happy with the race. I have never ridin’ 50 miles not even in a training ride. I just don’t have the time. The race was fast and fun. I had little wipeouts and perhaps some silly mistakes but that’s part of racing and I dealt with it.

Top 3 women:
1. Jenna Rinehart (Specialized)
2. Sue Stephens (Bells Brewery/Quiring Cycles)
3. Sara Kylander Johnson (Trek)

My teammates:
2. Scott Quiring and Christina Peek (mixed tandem – soft rock)
17. Jason Lummis
39. Steve Dempsy
40. John Meyers
Training for 2011 - Erin Vicary

What a great experience!! I had an awesome weekend with my teammates/friends and families. Looking forward to doing it again.




  1. Nice write up and finish!

    You never ridden 50 miles? Interesting...

    I'll have to race this next year. I was all set to do it this year, but just didn't feel up for it. Everyone that races it seems to really enjoy it.


  2. nice job pushing yourself on this course. it was my 2nd race ever, and the first time i'd ever ridden 50 miles. when people ask me about it, i reply "it was hard". nice work and congrats.

  3. Thanks!!
    @ Tom - I attempted 50 miles last year at Stony Marathon and you know what happened.....CRASH!! :op
    @ Anonymous - 2nd race,1st 50 miler - great job and what an accomplishment!! :o)
